How to Care for Sensitive Skin?
How to Care for Sensitive Skin?
By Sophie Siu August 25th, 2023
How to Care for Sensitive Skin?
According to a 2023 survey conducted in the United States by the International Academy of Dermatology, nearly 60 percent of respondents said they had sensitive skin.
The prevalence of sensitive skin is also on the rise globally. Studies show that 50-70% of people worldwide now report sensitive skin.
In general, sensitive skin is a common problem, and many people seek out specialized skin care products and treatments to control their symptoms.

What is sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin is a frustrating and uncomfortable condition because it is easily irritated, inflamed, itchy or red due to some trigger, such as environmental factors or certain products.
People with this skin type often experience discomfort or even allergic reactions when using skin care products, exposure to perfumes, preservatives, sunlight, or changes in the weather.
It is important to note that sensitive skin can affect any skin type and can be caused by many different factors, including genetics, underlying medical conditions, or external factors.
Therefore, people with sensitive skin should be extra careful when choosing and using skin care products, and consider consulting a dermatologist to determine the best treatment options.

What's the difference between sensitive and allergic muscles?

Sensitive muscles: Problematic skin, due to its own fragile skin, is more sensitive to various stimuli, discomfort.
Allergy: It is a skin immune reaction, an adverse reaction to a certain substance, as long as it is avoided.

Sensitive skin can have a social and psychological impact on patients.

First, visible symptoms such as redness, flaky patches or rashes can negatively affect people's self-esteem and confidence, making them feel self-conscious about their appearance. Sensitive skin can also feel uncomfortable and painful, which can affect a person's ability to perform daily activities or enjoy certain hobbies or sports.
The need to avoid certain products or environmental triggers can also be onerous and limit people's choices, especially when it comes to cosmetics, clothing, and personal care products.
In addition, studies have shown that people with sensitive skin may be more prone to anxiety and depression than people with less sensitive skin. This may be due to the impact of symptoms on their daily lives, as well as the uncertainty of not knowing what might trigger a reaction. In addition, finding specialized skin care products or treatments can be expensive, which can be a financial burden for some people.
Overall, sensitive skin can have a significant impact on people's social and mental health, and it's important to find effective ways to manage it.

Understanding Sensitive skin


What causes sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and underlying medical conditions. Here are some common reasons:
Genetics: Some people may be born with sensitive skin, which is usually inherited.
Environmental factors: Exposure to irritants such as harsh chemicals, fragrances, sunburn, wind damage, hot or cold weather, and pollution can also cause sensitive skin.
Allergies: Allergic reactions to certain substances, such as fragrances, preservatives, metals, and certain medications, can cause skin sensitivity.
Skin conditions: People with certain skin conditions, such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, or acne, are more likely to develop sensitive skin.
Age: As people get older, their skin becomes thinner and more sensitive.
Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, or menstruation can also cause skin sensitivity.
Stress and anxiety: Stress, anxiety, and depression can exacerbate skin sensitivity due to the release of stress hormones.
Poor diet: Nutrient deficiencies, especially those of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, can lead to sensitive skin.
Overall, the reasons for sensitive skin can be complex. Identifying the root cause of skin sensitivity is essential to properly treat and control the condition.

What are the symptoms of sensitive skin?

Redness: Sensitive skin often turns red and spots after irritation.
Dryness: Dry or flaky skin can be a sign of sensitive skin.
Itching: Sensitive skin may become itchy or irritated after contact with certain ingredients or substances.
Burning or tingling: A burning or tingling sensation is a common symptom of sensitive skin, especially after contact with irritants.
Tingling: Sensitive skin can also feel tingling after contact with the trigger.
Rash: Sensitive skin may develop a rash or hives after contact with irritants.
Inflammation: Inflammation is a common symptom of sensitive skin that can cause discomfort and pain.
Swelling: Sensitive skin may also swell as a result of irritation.
It is important to note that the symptoms of sensitive skin can be mild or severe, depending on the individual, and may come and go over time. If you experience persistent or severe symptoms, it's important to see a dermatologist for evaluation.

What should sensitive skin avoid?

Heat: Extreme heat, such as hot baths or saunas, can exacerbate skin sensitivity.
Cold: Cold weather and cold water can also cause skin irritation and worsen sensitive skin.
Cosmetics: People with sensitive skin should look for cosmetics labeled "hypoallergenic" and avoid cosmetics, moisturizers, or sunscreens that contain fragrances.
Preservatives: general skin care products contain preservatives, too much preservatives have great harm to the skin, need to avoid as far as possible: methyl isothiazolinone, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol.
Pigment, flavor: Long-term use of pigment flavor will increase the burden of sensitive skin, resulting in damage to the skin barrier.
Alcohol: Alcohol can not only reduce inflammation and sterilization, but also clear the oil in the pores, fine pores. However, excessive concentration of alcohol should be avoided, which will destroy the skin's unique water quality film and make the skin more fragile.
Photosensitive components: photosensitive components will absorb ultraviolet rays, directly harm the skin.
Common photosensitive components are, >7% arbutin, Angelica, acid A, kojic acid, p-aminobenzoic acid (commonly found in sunscreen) citrus essential oil (such as bergamot), lemon essential oil, sandalwood oil, parsley essential oil, verbena.
Over-cleaning: Proper exfoliation is great for the skin, but sensitive muscles that don't use exfoliation will only become more fragile. Similar to some scrub type skin care products used with caution.

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The normal PH of the skin is between 4.5 and 6.5 and is slightly acidic. Too alkaline ingredients, easy to harm the skin. Common alkaline ingredients are soap bases, which are often found in facial cleansers.
Use expired products: Because the ingredients of expired products will change, it may cause skin discomfort and even allergy.
Avoid using multiple products at the same time: the ingredients of different products may react with each other, causing the skin condition to become more confusing.
In general, people with sensitive skin should minimize exposure to anything that causes skin irritation or exacerbates symptoms. Trial and error is necessary to find the right skin care products and cosmetics for sensitive skin.

Skin care ingredients for sensitive muscles:

Repair and soothe

Asiaticoside: has the effect of soothing skin and protecting fragile skin.
Chamomile: can stabilize fragile skin, reduce skin redness.
Aloe Vera: anti-inflammatory, sun protection, anti-aging, promote wound healing.
Purslane: Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic.

Repair the skin barrier

Collagen: Collagen has powerful healing properties that improve skin sensitivity from the root
Ceramide: can enhance the thickness of the skin surface, improve the skin's ability to hold water.

How to protect sensitive skin?

Choose mild skin care products and use fragrance-free products specifically formulated for sensitive skin.

Check product labels for products labeled "hypoallergenic," "fragrance-free," and "comedo-free."

Patch testing New products, before using a new product, a patch test is performed on a small area of the skin to assess whether it will cause any adverse reactions.

Wear protective clothing, such as hats, gloves, and sunscreen to avoid exposure to UV rays and other environmental irritants.

Avoid hot water, and use warm water instead of hot water when you wash your face or shower.

Moisturize regularly and use a gentle moisturizer to help protect sensitive skin from environmental irritation.

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Avoid harsh facial masks, do not change skin care products frequently, and consider using a gentle facial spray skin care product if necessary.

Stopping using skin care products occasionally allows the skin to lengthen the distance between sensitive factors, thereby reducing the risk of allergies. It is recommended that the discontinuation time be from one week to one month.

Stress can cause skin sensitivity, so it's important to practice stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness and meditation.

Identify and avoid triggers that cause skin sensitivity, such as certain foods, contaminants, or skin care products.
Seek medical advice and consult a dermatologist if you experience severe or persistent skin sensitivity symptoms.
It is important to understand that the care of sensitive muscles does not start and end with the external use of skin care products.
It is also important to pay attention to a balanced and nutritious diet, maintain an active lifestyle, exercise regularly, and follow a planned routine.
By adhering to these practices and giving your body time to recover naturally, you will not only improve the health and sensitivity of your muscles, but also improve your overall physical and mental health.
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